Dasapta Erwin Irawan -
A journey started with the INArxiv hosted by The Center of Open Science to RINarxiv hosted by BRIN Indonesia.Current situation in academia (especially in Global South). It’s very hard for us to keep our heads above water.The basic ingredients of preprinting are: ethics, integrity, and norms. We have a generic set of values and also subject-specific and culture-specific values.Part 1: Universal open access for authors. No matter which journal you submit your manuscript to, make sure to self-archive the preprint and postprint version to take back your freedom to write, to share, and to retain copyrights.Part 2: Universal open access for readers. Preprints ship out the rights to search, to read, and to reuse to the readers.To achieve both parts, preprint servers or repositories needed to be kept non-profit or as part of governmental infrastructure.In the end …How can we create positive dents in the community?All together!